

About me

Hello Friends !

Welcome to 
swaadanusaar  -      
a window to my kitchen.

"YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT " the guiding principle behind my cooking;  in today's world where we are spoilt for choices, my attempt is to keep the family well nourished, curb the urges for junk food, lay healthy and tasty food on the table every single day.  

Coming to this blog,  I would like to share my
 recipes with like minded people,  who would agree to the fact that, however beckoning the outside food looks, it is established home cooked food that each one of us yearns for.  I believe it is time we stopped counting calories and start counting the freshness,  the " Prana " of our food.  It might sound alarming, specially to working women like me, I try to avoid refrigerated food to the extent possible. "Heat & Eat"is restricted to the minimalist level practicable.

In this blog you will find food that can be fitted into one's routine easily and at the same time is healthy, tasty and nourishing. I personally believe that cooking should not become a chore. With a little bit of planning and preparation, it should become as easy as watching television, reading a book , listening to music or spending time with the family. A well stocked pantry, timely replenishment of groceries, fruits and veggies should do the trick. Having all the spices, masalas and freshly ground powders handy is already work half done. Cutting takes hardly 5 to10 mts and cooking should take another half  hour. If we can multitask in the kitchen (like i have three things getting cooked at different stages simultaneously) then around 45mts. to 1 hour in the mornings and half hour in the evenings would be sufficient to produce efficient meals.  Not to forget  with some music plugged in !! 

My Mother is an excellent cook and Grandma was born to cook ! Having closely observed them, my aim is to take their cookery to the next level and fuse them with today's demands and choices. I feel it is our responsibility to preserve the culinary tradition that has been given to us and pass it on to the next generation which neither has the time nor inclination to enter the kitchen.

A home maker,  mother of a vivacious teen, spouse of a partner with refined tastes,  a 9 to 5 GOI employee -- life is one big roller coaster ride.  Basically a Teluguite, spent a good part of my life in Lucknow, Chennai and  presently in Delhi -  been exposed to the best of  all the cuisines and try to reflect them in my dishes.

" Keeping It Real in a Virtual World" that's the guiding mantra of my blog.  You see what you get. Keeping it simple, tasty and time efficient. For enriched version on special occasions, one can use imagination and add more of oil/ghee, cook in coconut, cashew/almond paste and innovate further.

Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated. If you have tried my recipe and liked it, do let me know. You may use the comment section at the bottom of the recipe for this purpose or on fb/ google+.

Happy Refined Dining !

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